Hebrew SeniorLife Blog
Tips and resources to help you navigate the joys and challenges of aging, from Boston's trusted expert in senior care.

How Adult Children Can Work Together to Support Aging Parents
Learn how siblings can support their parents and each other whether they live far away or close by.
Five Sources of Plant-Based Protein
Protein helps keep our muscles strong as we age, and a healthy diet includes a variety of protein-rich foods.
Sundowning: Late-Day Confusion in People with Dementia
People with dementia or cognitive impairment may become confused, irritable, or even aggressive at the end of the day. Learn how to help.
What Vaccines Do Seniors Need?
The five vaccines that are important for maintaining good health as you age.
Dehydration in Seniors: Why It’s Different and What You Need to Know
Why staying properly hydrated is especially critical for seniors
Sleep and Rising Temperatures: The Hidden Impact of Climate Change on Older Adults
Amir Baniassadi, PhD, researches environmental health, and in particular, the health and well-being of older adults within the built environment.
Treating Depression with TMS: A Story of Success
John Bengel, 78, suffered from depression all his life. Transcranial magnetic stimulation at the Deanna and Sidney Wolk Center for Memory Health gave him a new start.
You’re Never Too Old to Make New Friends: Here’s How
Studies show that maintaining a strong social network promotes healthy aging in older adults.
How You Can Help a Friend Who Has Lost a Significant Other
Gaining an understanding of the bereavement process and what a friend may be going through can help us develop skills that allow us to genuinely be there for each other when we’re needed