Rachel Gore
Digital Content Specialist
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- Rachel Gore
Rachel Gore is a Digital Content Specialist at Hebrew SeniorLife, where she supports Hebrew SeniorLife’s content marketing efforts by writing original content for digital channels, especially the Hebrew SeniorLife blog.
Prior to joining Hebrew SeniorLife in 2023, Rachel worked in content marketing and news writing in B2B tech, financial services, and personal injury law. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Human Development from Eckerd College and is working toward a Master of Science in Digital Marketing & Design from Brandeis University.
Blog Posts
A Caregiver’s Perspective: How a Multidisciplinary Care Team Supports Dementia and Depression
Read how transcranial magnetic stimulation offered a breakthrough for one patient after 15 years of depression.
The Joy of Movement: Unpacking the Benefits of Dancing for Seniors
Read about the ways dancing can boost your physical and mental well-being and how to get started.
Ten Years With Tamari: Reflecting on the Impact of Our Beloved Ministry Service Dog
“Tamari’s legacy is one of love and how a long-term chronic care community can integrate a dog into its patients’ day-to-day activities and lives.”
Advice From Couples Who Met in Adulthood: Tips for a Lasting Marriage
Hear from Hebrew Seniorlife couples who met in their 30s and 40s and have grown together for over 40 years.
Advice From Childhood Sweethearts: How To Build a Long and Happy Marriage
Hear from Hebrew SeniorLife couples in the first of a two-part series on how to keep your marriage strong.
The Healing Power of Music for Older Adults
Learn how music can offer health benefits and enrich every chapter of older adulthood.
Leading with Care: Celebrating Hebrew SeniorLife’s Nurse and Nursing Assistant of the Year
Hear the inspiring stories of our top nursing excellence award winners from 2024.
Finding Balance: The Benefits of Tai Chi for Seniors and How to Start
Read about the research-backed ways tai chi can improve your health and learn what to expect.
At-Home Clinical Trials Are Making Research More Accessible
Learn about participating in research opportunities from your home.
How Intergenerational Friendships Can Enrich Your Life
Read about the unique benefits of having friends who aren’t your age.