Hebrew SeniorLife Blog
Tips and resources to help you navigate the joys and challenges of aging, from Boston's trusted expert in senior care.
What Vaccines Do Seniors Need?
The five vaccines that are important for maintaining good health as you age.
Sleep and Rising Temperatures: The Hidden Impact of Climate Change on Older Adults
Amir Baniassadi, PhD, researches environmental health, and in particular, the health and well-being of older adults within the built environment.
Treating Depression with TMS: A Story of Success
John Bengel, 78, suffered from depression all his life. Transcranial magnetic stimulation at the Deanna and Sidney Wolk Center for Memory Health gave him a new start.
Guardianship for Seniors in Massachusetts
The legal process that helps protect those who can no longer care for themselves
What is Advance Care Planning and How Do You Set It Up?
Learn the terminology of advance care planning, why you need a health care proxy, and the difference between a living will and Massachusetts MOLST form.
Caring for Your Aging Parent in Your Retirement Years
The advantages of being an older caregiver and tips on how to navigate the challenges.
Medicare Basics Explained
Understanding your Medicare options and when and how to enroll
What is an Age-Friendly Health System?
How we provide effective health care that meets the specific needs of seniors.
How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Long-Term Care Insurance
How a life care plan is a financially stable option to secure future care.