Hebrew SeniorLife's 8th Annual EngAGE Brings Entertainment with Mavis Staples and Mandy Patinkin

Funds raised will change the way we age for generations to come.

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BOSTON – Hebrew SeniorLife, New England’s largest nonprofit provider of senior health care and living communities, and the only senior care organization affiliated with Harvard Medical School, will virtually host entertainers Mavis Staples and Mandy Patinkin at the 8th annual EngAGE, November 1 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

The lineup includes two entertainers: Mavis Staples, a Grammy Award-winning singer and a member of both the Blues and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and a civil rights icon who released a trio of critically acclaimed albums in her 70’s with Wilco’s Jeff Tweedy; and Mandy Patinkin, a Tony- and Emmy award-winning actor and concert artist, who has starred on Broadway, TV, and film.    

EngAGE also will feature George Q. Daley, M.D., Ph.D., Dean of Harvard Medical School and the Caroline Shields Walker Professor of Medicine and an authority on stem cell science and cancer biology; and Louise Aronson, M.D., M.F.A., a leading geriatrician and Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, and the author of the New York Times non-fiction bestseller, Elderhood: Redefining Aging, Transforming Medicine, and Reimagining Life.

Hebrew SeniorLife has hosted the successful EngAGE for eight years. In announcing the EngAGE 2021 speaker program, Lou Woolf, President and CEO of Hebrew SeniorLife, said, “Join us and leading influencers for a lively conversation that will cue how we think and talk about aging.”

EngAGE 2021, which will be held virtually via livestream, features a mixed media program with dynamic guest speakers and entertainers. For tickets and other information about EngAGE, visit www.hslengage.org

All proceeds power Hebrew SeniorLife’s health care, communities, research, and teaching that transform the experience of aging. Last year’s event raised $1.2 million. 

About Hebrew SeniorLife
Hebrew SeniorLife, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School, is a national senior services leader uniquely dedicated to rethinking, researching, and redefining the possibilities of aging. Hebrew SeniorLife cares for more than 3,000 seniors a day across six campuses throughout Greater Boston. Our locations include: Hebrew Rehabilitation Center-Boston and Hebrew Rehabilitation Center-NewBridge in Dedham; NewBridge on the Charles, Dedham; Orchard Cove, Canton; Simon C. Fireman Community, Randolph; Center Communities of Brookline, Brookline; and Jack Satter House, Revere. Founded in 1903, Hebrew SeniorLife also conducts influential research into aging at the Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research, which has a portfolio of more than $63 million, making it the largest gerontological research facility in the U.S. in a clinical setting. It also trains more than 1,000 geriatric care providers each year. For more information about Hebrew SeniorLife, visit https://www.hebrewseniorlife.org or follow us on our blog, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.