Hebrew SeniorLife Blog
Tips and resources to help you navigate the joys and challenges of aging, from Boston's trusted expert in senior care.
Talking with Siblings About Your Aging Parent
Common sources of conflict and how to have a conversation around resolving them.
Why Social Isolation and Loneliness Are Serious Health Threats For Older Adults
Tips for staying connected as we age.
Hearing and Dementia
How hearing loss changes the brain and leads to isolation
Home Health vs. Private Duty Care
How to access and pay for home-based services
Gait and Walking Speed as a Predictor of Health
What does how we walk tell us about current health and future outcomes?
Palliative Care and Dementia
What is palliative care and how can it help you cope with dementia?
Medication Management in Assisted Living
How can you get help to keep track of all those important medications.
When Is It Time for a Cane or Walker?
Learn about the types of assistive devices, and why you might consider using one.
Five Living Options for Seniors
Choosing the best housing option for your lifestyle
How Telehealth Can Improve Home-Based Care for Seniors
Learn how technology can even reduce the risk of rehospitalization in seniors with chronic conditions.