Heather Andrews

Study Coordinator

Heather is a dedicated advocate for health and well-being, with a rich background in psychology and neuropsychology. At the Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research at Hebrew SeniorLife, she plays a pivotal role in the longitudinal Healthy Aging Initiative (HAI) research study. Heather's background includes over a decade in nonprofit programming and development, where she honed her skills in project management, community engagement, and advocacy. Her professional journey includes roles such as psychometrist at the Deanna and Sidney Wolk Center for Memory Health, where she administered neuropsychological assessments and generated personalized reports to improve brain health. Previously, she served as a life enrichment specialist at MDI Hospital, working toward enhancing quality of life for residents in memory care. In addition to her professional responsibilities, Heather is strongly committed to community service. Her volunteer experience includes serving as a crisis counselor, facilitating English conversation groups for immigrants, and contributing to initiatives aimed at building sustainable health care systems in Haiti.

Heather’s focus lies in understanding how adverse and protective factors influence brain development across the lifespan. Prior to her work at the Marcus Institute, she was a research assistant at the Cognition, Aging, Resiliency, and Enhancement Lab, Maine Mood Lab, and Peer Relations Lab in Maine. She has presented her research on mindfulness and executive function at conferences such as the International Neuropsychological Society and the National Academy of Neuropsychology. Heather holds a degree in psychology from the University of Maine, where she graduated summa cum laude and received a Faculty Research Award. She is passionate about leveraging her skills to help patients and research participants achieve greater cognitive health and well-being.

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